Professional Communication is indeed the road to success!!

Certain topics such as the interpersonal conflicts and intercultural skills that were covered during this module were quite close to heart and thus, this enabled us to express our thoughts and experiences freely in our blogs. The blogs certainly gave me an opportunity to learn and appreciate different styles of writings and view numerous perspectives for any one topic.
Through the assignments, I had the opportunity to rectify my mistakes in drafting crucial professional documents such as my resume and application letters. If I had drafted these letters prior to the knowledge I have gathered from this module, I would have produced unimpressive letters which would made me lose several job opportunities!! (when Ms Goh was correcting my mistakes, I was telling myself, thank goodness I attended this course!).
Like I have mentioned in my profile, I am quite a diplomatic person. I would rather solve a problem as soon as possible instead of allowing the problem to get out of hand. Thus, my favourite topic of the blogging was addressing interpersonal conflicts. I really enjoyed reading the solutions offered by the class for the various problems; some of the solutions did not even cross my mind. Thus, this certainly helped me to further improve my diplomatic skills..:)
Last but not least, would like to thank Ms Goh for engaging us actively during the classes; making the class so lively and interactive that at times we do not even realize that the time is passing so fast. If not for her, the journey through the course would not have been so smooth and enjoyable.